Rehearsal Diary
6 weeks to go...
If it's just too cold outside, get ready for Kiss Me, Kate because it is ‘Too Darn Hot’!
Our vibrant and youthful cast have hit the stage with gusto. Now a few weeks into production the show is shaping up to be a highlight in GCLT’s history.
Music Director, Caroline Taylor, has put the team through their vocal paces learning the Tony award winning score in record time and the cast are ready to raise the roof. Kiss Me, Kate features so many absolute classics, you'll know more songs than you thought!
Rehearsals of Cole Porter's biggest hit dance numbers including 'Another Openin', Another Show' and ‘We Open In Venice’ are already underway deftly showing off our fabulous, fearless and gravity-defying cast. With a score that features a vast variety of dance styles the team of expert choreographers are pushing our bodies to sweat drenched limits. Phew!
Director, Andrew CP, this week took the cast through a crash course in Shakespeare 101. Armed with their new found (and in some cases already highly experienced) skills they are ready to show off their iambic pentameter, caesuras and rhetoric in faithful Shakespearean style. Fred (Simon Stone) and Lilli (Naomi Mole) are enjoying their sarcastic battles of wit both on stage and in the dressing room scenes. This ferocious love-hate warfare has kept the entire cast in stitches. Lois (Tess Burke) and Bill (Jack Harbour) have also been musically misbehaving in their own loving way and have finally come to a mutual understanding. Not to be outdone, our gangsters (Terri Woodfine and Nicola Barrett) have been practising their own special brand of Shakespeare - one even the poet himself would have a chuckle at.
Fun Fact: Cole Porter's lyrics were considered too saucy for cinema so some of the lyrics were tweaked for the movie. (Don't worry, original lyrics can be heard in all their glory in our show!)
While all eyes have been on the fashion show that was the lead up to the royal wedding last week, the talented Shirley Whitehouse has been sewing up a couture costume storm. With jewel toned pops of colour, luxurious textures and contrasting patterns galore we are spoilt beyond compare. Shakespeare himself would have been proud to wear these costumes and the cast are looking forward to dress rehearsals! Our set is also starting to take shape with many hands contributing to building our own little theatre within the theatre - no easy feat.
Tickets are now on sale so get in early and get ready to ‘Brush Up Your Shakespeare’!