
Patrick Phillips
Patrick Phillips is exponentially excited to be performing in GCLT’s production of Kiss Me Kate as the role of Paul. A year 10 student at Southport State High, Patrick has performed in a multitudinous amount of productions within acting, dancing and vocal excellence classes. Bugsy Malone in Bugsy Malone The Musical, Schlomo from Fame The Musical as well as David in the play April’s Fool are all roles he has loved playing. Patrick also participates in Dance and Choral Eisteddfods as well as Drama Festivals. Albeit, he has sought other creative opportunities through Spotlight Theatre where he has performed in the past three summer pantomimes and most recently was a part of Oliver The Musical as a member of Fagin's Gang. Other than the stage, he loves comic books as well as filmmaking. Patrick thanks his parents for allowing him to pursue his dreams as well as director, Andrew Cp for his faith in him.